France bans right-wing groups who protested against racially motivated stabbing of White teenager

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. (Ludovic Marin/Pool via AP)
By Thomas Brooke
3 Min Read

The French government has responded to the racially aggravated murder of a White French teenager by banning membership of right-wing activist groups who took to the streets in protest at the attack.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced on Tuesday he would oversee the dissolution of three organizations that encouraged its members to travel to Romans-sur-Isère last week, where a youth gang had traveled from to gatecrash a winter ball in nearby Crépol vowing to “stab White people”.

Thomas, a 16-year-old promising rugby player was stabbed to death and several others were hospitalized with stab wounds by the group who then fled and were tracked down in the south of France and attempted to leave the country.

“I will propose that a number of small groups are wound up,” Darmanin said on Tuesday, warning that “a mobilization within the extreme right” that is willing to fight back against migrants stabbing children to death “would have us tip into civil war.”

The French minister named the Martel Division as one organization, while the other two groups remain undisclosed.

Right-wing activists clashed with police in Romans-sur-Isère as authorities sought to restrict the movements of the angry protesters who had traveled from across France.

Around 30 of the attendees were arrested and at least six have already been imprisoned.

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The scenes show a striking similarity with the civil unrest reported in Ireland last week following a stabbing spree by an Algerian migrant which left three children hospitalized and a care worker who sought to protect the minors fighting for her life.

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A similar response to the French government was issued by Ireland’s leadership, which sought to condemn the “far-right” activists who took to the streets to express their fury at the attack and shine a light on the human consequence of Western liberal governments’ open borders policies.

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