Poland, notorious for having some of the highest traffic fatalities in the EU, sees dramatic improvement in 2022

Source: pexels.com
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

In 2022, Poland recorded fewer road accidents and resulting deaths compared to previous years. It is possible that increased fines for road traffic offenses, including speeding, led people to drive more safely on Polish roads, suggests Polish news outlet Rzeczpospolita.

According to police data, Polish roads in 2022 were “extremely safe, practically in every dimension.” Authorities noted that there was a decrease in the number of accidents, fatalities, and injuries, as well as intoxicated drivers.

“The number of deaths resulting from accidents dropped below 2,000 for the first time in history, to 1,883,” said Robert Opas from the traffic department of the Polish police, adding that lower speeds had affected the mortality rate.

According to initial police statistics, in the past year, there were 21,324 road accidents in Poland, which is 1,492 fewer than in 2021 and 2,216 fewer than in 2020. The number of deaths shrunk by 362 compared to 2021 and 608 compared to 2020.

This data shows that the traffic fatality rate in Poland, among the highest in the EU, is decreasing.

“Increased security is connected with slower driving, as the effects of the accidents are less dramatic at a lower speed,” Rzeczpospolita points out.

Driver’s licenses have also been taken away from those caught driving at over 50 kilometers per hour, the limit in populated areas.

“In 2022, we took licenses away from 29,000 drivers, two times less than in 2020,” said Robert Opas.

Opas also noted that contrary to the positive trends, there were more accidents involving pedestrians (451) compared to previous years; however, they accounted for fewer deaths. In 2022, there were 67 fewer deaths than in 2021 and 178 fewer than in 2020.

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