Poland to receive additional seat in the European Parliament

By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

An agreement has been reached in Brussels at a meeting of ambassadors of EU member states on the allocation of seats in the European Parliament for the next term for individual countries.

It has been decided that Poland will receive an additional seat in the parliament for the next term, increasing the number of Polish MEPs to 53.

“The efforts of Polish diplomacy in the EU, emphasizing the need for proportional equalization of Polish representation in the European Parliament, have yielded results,” tweeted Minister for European Union Affairs Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk.

The next European Parliament elections will take place in June 2024. The legislative initiative to determine the composition of the European Parliament belongs to its members, and the final decision requires the unanimity of the member states.

Following the U.K.’s exit from the European Union, the European Parliament leadership proposed increasing seats for some countries in the next term.

Statistics argue in favor of Poland’s request for an additional seat. According to demographic data, in 2018, the Polish population accounted for 7.41 percent of the EU-28 population, and it now comprises 8.41 percent of the EU-27 population in 2023, an increase of one percentage point.

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