Polish companies receive less than 1% of all EU aid to compensate for Ukraine war

By Grzegorz Adamczyk
1 Min Read

Poland has received 98 times less than Germany in EU aid for companies being compensated for the effects of the war in Ukraine.

Of the €171 billion made available through the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework (TCTF), 89 percent of these funds have gone to just three EU states. More than half (52 percent) was claimed by Germany, 28 percent by Italy, and 9 percent by Spain.

The funds are designated as public aid and delivered in the shape of preferential credits and projects aimed at compensating for economic turbulence.  

Public aid destined for Polish companies, meanwhile, amounted to €750 million — just 0.57 percent of the total funds. Two-thirds of this was dedicated to compensating companies for the rise in gas and electricity prices.

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