11-year-old German boy badly beaten by group of ‘youths’

By admin
2 Min Read

An 11-year-old boy was attacked and beaten badly by several youths with a “Southern appearance” on Monday evening in front of the Paderborn Neuhaus Castle, according to Nordrhein Westfalen police.

Police are now investigating suspicions of dangerous bodily harm and are looking for witnesses.

At around 6 p.m. the 11-year-old boy walked from Residenz Street across the castle forecourt in the city where there was a group of youths also present. From this group, the 11-year-old was approached one of the other youths who began beating him. He was then joined by other members of the group.

The victim went down and was further beaten and kicked, resulting in serious injuries. An unidentified cyclist jumped in to stop the beating and the perpetrators fled to Bielefelder Street in the direction of Hatzfelder Platz. The “courageous cyclist” also left the scene, and the badly injured boy fled home. His mother alerted the police and took her son to a hospital, where he was hospitalized. 

The suspects are said to have a southern appearance and were about 1.65 meters tall. One boy was blonde, the others had black hair.

The police asked the unknown cyclist and other witnesses who could provide information about the suspects to call 05251/3060.

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