Diplomats who come to a foreign land and engage in propaganda attempting to change society exceed their powers and disgrace the countries they represent, argues Paweł Lisicki, the editor-in-chief of Do Rzeczy weekly.
Lisicki was asked about foreign diplomats engaging in LGBT pride month in Poland in an interview for Polish Christiana portal, calling it a “scandal”. He believes it a sign of disrespect and arrogance to lecture another nation on its social customs and engage in propaganda for an alternative lifestyle. He hoped that Polish ambassadors would never engage in ideological campaigns on their missions.
Lisicki feels foreign diplomats do so because the LGBT movement has become influential in both the public and corporate worlds. It has been successful in selling a narrative of LGBT people being victims and an oppressed minority. Unlike Christians, they are not persecuted but have the ideological clout to broadly influence society.
But Poland is also too passive in reacting to these kinds of provocations, argues Lisicki. He feels Poland should have reacted much earlier and have made it plain it did not want foreign diplomats to engage in this way and that it regarded such behavior as unacceptable.
Lisicki believes Poland should have asked the former US ambassador, Georgette Mosbacher, to leave when she said Poland was on the wrong side of history over its views on LGBT. He finds the comments made by Bix Aliu, the charge D’affaire in charge of the US embassy in Poland, comparing Poland to Iran beyond the pale and believes that the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs should demand an apology for them.
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