Hungary: Left-wing politician praises old communist era, says ‘at least the priests’ kidneys were beaten back then’

The Hungarian left openly despises rural voters, older voters, and Christians. Not exactly the best political strategy in a country like Hungary

Hungarian politician Peter Martin Nagy made some troublesome comments on social media.
By Remix News Staff
2 Min Read

Hungary’s left has often been tied to communism and anti-religious hatred, but the left is not doing itself any favors to dispel these claims with its own comments on social media.

An MP from the Hungarian city of Hajdúböszörmény, Péter Nagy Martin, who reportedly has ties to the opposition Tisza Party opposed to Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, expressed appreciation on social media for the beatings given to priests during communist rule in Hungary, writing, “at least they beat the priests’ kidneys at that time.”

Martin also wrote stupid proles and degraded mentally disabled rural teenagers. The rural vote goes especially strong for Orbán, and is often derided by liberal elites in Hungary, along with pensioners, who vote for Orbán in large numbers.

He also explained that pensioners are no longer of any use to society and the country, so he would be most happy if they were gone, because they only hinder development and cost a lot of money to maintain.

The entire youth is suffering because of pensioners, and because the older generation votes for political parties that are unfavorable to the country, another representative, Zsolt Sándor Tömöri, was quoted as saying.

Conservative politicians from the Christian KDNP Hajdú-Bihar county organization called the statements from Tömöri and Nagy outrageous.

“The Christian Democratic People’s Party and its Hajdú-Böszörmény grassroots organization consider the statements made on social media by two representatives of the Böszörmény Third Side Association, who are close to the Tisza Party, to be outrageous, and call on the politicians to apologize,” the organization wrote.

“We call on Péter Martin Nagy and Zsolt Sándor Tömöri to publicly apologize to Christian-minded citizens, as well as pensioners, teenagers, and workers who were offended via social media!” it added.

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