Migration to Europe: A profitable business not only for smugglers

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2 Min Read

When the number of migrants sharply increased, their transportation turned into a huge business opportunity. Despite the fact that the former migrants were mostly poor people, the current migration arising from political instability affected all social classes and all professions.

This is the conclusion of Loretta Napoleoni’s book Merchants of Men. The traditional African and Middle-Eastern merchants of men adapted their prices and services to the payment abilities of migrants. Even criminal organizations of eastern Europe started parasitizing in this business field, which even led to the fact that they reduced their other criminal activities.

Non-European merchants of men successfully exported their criminal system of “pay when you get there” to the European Union, since this works for the migrants the best. They have used the insufficient EU politics in the field of their national borders and immigration. Some humanitarian workers further confirm that African and European criminals use the migrant routes for the transfer of drugs and prostitutes.

The migration crisis then enabled the criminals as well as humanitarian organizations and businessmen to grow, since the refugees and migrants need to be accommodated, clothed, fed and transported. These activities are then financed directly from the pockets of taxpayers. The author illustrated this fact on the example of a Norwegian company Hero Norway or a Swiss company ORS Service AG.  

There is an intensive feeling that the refugees are a source of profit for everyone. The industry which has emerged in connection to their tragedy provides jobs for hundreds of thousand people all across Europe.

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