“Pandemic in Poland slowly coming under control,” says health minister

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2 Min Read

Health Minister Adam Niedzielski told public broadcaster Polish Radio that the pandemic in Poland is steadily being contained. “We can say, and with increasing confidence, that we are slowly entering such a period in which the pandemic in Poland is under control,” he said, adding that restrictions, social discipline and vaccines are the primary methods of fighting the pandemic.

The minister underlined that vaccines are not the only method of dealing with the virus and that people must adhere to the imposed restrictions: wearing masks, social distancing and disinfection. Finally getting the pandemic under control means that these restrictions are working.

Niedzielski noted that the number of infections has gone down, and there are now only around 5,000 each week. Wednesday, however, did see a slight increase to 6,800 infections.

The minister of health also said that the current restrictions concerning the pandemic will be extended until February 14. Despite this, trade, museums and art galleries will be reopened; however, catering services and fitness centers will remain closed as to not risk a third wave of the pandemic.

A total of 1,342,435 vaccinations have been completed as of February 3: 1,053,245 were first doses and 289,190 were second doses. On Wednesday, another 108,401 doses of the vaccine were delivered. Approximately 2.8 percent of Poles have now received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Experts believe that to achieve widespread immunity and extinguish the pandemic, between 40 to 70 percent of Poles must be vaccinated.

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