Poland: Rwandan migrant demolishes car in Warsaw in viral video

A recording involving a migrant in Warsaw has gone viral online showing the man demolishing a parked car on a housing estate

Source: X/wpolityce.pl
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

A recording involving a migrant in Warsaw has gone viral showing the man demolishing a parked car on a housing estate. Although such videos of migrants destroying property or causing public mayhem are common in Western European nations, they are also becoming increasingly common in Poland as its immigrant population grows.

The recording shows the man repeatedly jumping and rolling on the roof of a parked car. The car is reported to have been seriously damaged and will require costly repairs. 

The video has garnered a lot of attention, with X users commenting about the EU’s migration pact, noting that the pact will bring more migrants like the one depicted in the video to Poland.

Police have also issued a statement about the incident, confirming the man is a 26-year-old citizen of Rwanda and was detained within minutes of the incident taking place. He has been charged with damage to property and released. There was no evidence of other cars being damaged. 

No information is available on whether the individual was under the influence of alcohol or other substances. The police noted that “had the individual been an illegal migrant, the incident would have been grounds for him to be deported.”

They added that after completing the procedures and charging him, the detained man was released. However, if he is found guilty, he may face a sentence of up to five years of in prison. 

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