Poles are super-optimistic about their future

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2 Min Read

After the economic crisis of 2008, Western economies collapsed, and populist parties rose in power. Moods of consumers’ have been on the rise lately and Poles are brimming with optimism like never before.

69 percent of Poles positively evaluate the condition of Poland’s economy. This includes both supporters of the government and the opposition. Among Law and Justice supporters, 81 percent believe that the economy has improved. Among opposition voters, 66 percent believe so.

Only three countries are ahead of Poland when it comes to economy optimism: Germany (78 pc), Sweden (81 pc) and the Netherlands (85 pc). Yet Poland exceeds even those countries when it comes to positive predictions of the future. 6 out of 10 Poles (59 pc) believe, that their children’s situation will be better than theirs. Second are Russians with 51 percent.

Poland is also ahead of economic power-houses such as the United States (65 pc) and the United Kingdom (46 pc). Among European countries, the lowest satisfaction is amidst Italians (15 pc) and the Greeks are the kings of disapproval with 4 percent.


The Pew Research Centre draws attention to the fact, that since 1990 the earning of the average Pole has increased by 165 percent. In Russia, on the other hand, the increase has been 20 percent. Yet among developed economies, only Poland and Russia are rays of optimism. Japan, France, Greece and the UK are the least optimistic.

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