Polish Confederation party leader proposes single presidential primaries for the entire Polish right

Krzysztof Bosak, leader of Poland's Confederation party, has called to unite the Polish right with a single candidate in next year's presidential election

Krzysztof Bosak, a co-leader of the right-wing Polish party Confederation, speaks at a party convention in Katowice, Poland, on Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

Krzysztof Bosak, a leading figure in Poland’s Confederation party and deputy speaker of the Sejm, has suggested organizing presidential primaries across the entire right wing, declaring readiness to represent PiS voters.

In a recent interview on commercial Radio Zet, Krzysztof Bosak floated the idea of holding presidential primaries that would include all right-wing parties, from the Confederation to Solidarity Poland and Law and Justice (PiS).

“The idea of primaries across the entire right has been around for a while, and now, as PiS lacks a strong re-election candidate, this concept makes sense,” Bosak explained.

However, Bosak acknowledged that the success of such primaries would hinge on the participation of PiS, the dominant force on the right, which is likely to make it to the second round regardless of the candidate. “If PiS is looking to resolve their presidential candidate dilemma through primaries, I am ready to compete and represent PiS voters to the best of my ability,” he assured.

Bosak also warned that if PiS rejects the idea of widespread right-wing primaries, he would advocate for Confederation leaders to support another Confederation figure, Sławomir Mentzen. “If PiS is not on board, then holding Confederation-only primaries doesn’t make sense. Realistically, it’s between Mentzen and me,” Bosak added.

He speculated that if the primaries were to happen, they would likely occur in the autumn, given that presidential elections are slated for mid-next year, necessitating the registration of candidates and committees soon.

Bosak also expressed skepticism about PiS agreeing to the primaries, but remarked, “When politicians have no other choice, they choose what’s sensible. If PiS reaches an impasse in selecting a candidate, such primaries could help resolve it.”

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