Remix Rewind: A weekly review of our top stories

By Thomas Brooke
10 Min Read

The direct consequences of European leaders’ open-door migration policy came to light again this week as six random people became the victims of an indiscriminate stabbing spree during their commute to work in Paris on Wednesday.

There was some initial confusion over the identity of the assailant, who was swiftly neutralized after attacking five civilians and a police officer at the busy Gare du Nord train station with a homemade device. As has been the case countless times before, police sources soon confirmed to the AFP the man was a Libyan migrant who arrived in France three years ago, already had a criminal record, and was subject to an unenforced expulsion order. You know the score. Same script, different day.

The violence didn’t end there. Across the border in Germany, a 17-year-old with a migration background shocked the town of Ibbenbüren by stabbing to death his 55-year-old teacher after being suspended from school for a day for misbehavior. The teenager, known as Sinan B., is understood to have had recurring conflicts with teachers; after being sent home from school in the morning, he returned that afternoon with a knife, found his female teacher alone in a classroom, and stabbed her multiple times to death.

Also in Germany, two Iranian nationals were cuffed in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia on Sunday, accused of preparing to commit an “Islamist-motivated attack” using the deadly toxins of cyanide and ricin.

It remains unclear how much progress had been made on the planned attack, or what the intended target was.

Authorities are having a tough enough time handling new criminals let alone preventing convicted ones from roaming the streets. That’s exactly what happened late last week when an Algerian national, sentenced to life for murder in Germany, was inexplicably allowed to escape through the window of a courthouse and flee to France, sparking a five-day manhunt for the fugitive. The notorious Rachid Chouakri was eventually found traveling in his sister’s car and apprehended by French special forces. Thankfully, no damage was done and he is due to be extradited back to Germany as soon as possible.

Determined not to be left out, two Afghan nationals are facing charges in France and the U.K. this week for separate offenses. The former was arrested on suspicion of the aggravated rape of a 14-year-old boy in a French village on Christmas Eve last year, while a trial for the latter commenced on Tuesday in the U.K. for the murder of a 21-year-old aspiring Royal Marine after an altercation over an e-scooter during the early hours of March 12 last year.

Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, who arrived in Britain in December 2019, initially told officers during his arrest that he was 16 years old to avoid being charged as an adult, a claim that was categorically debunked following an age verification check conducted by U.K. authorities. Nice try.

The question remains: How do so many European leaders persist with liberal migration policies despite the bleak reality staring them in the face? Germany’s federal government will begin a vote next week to make naturalization easier and reform the country’s citizenship law, which critics claim will result in up to 2 million migrants receiving citizenship overnight.

Meanwhile, France is promising its former African colonies a “return to normal” in terms of the issuance of visas, having seemingly given up the idea of forcing these countries to take back their illegal migrants.

However, a small victory in favor of the power of the people was recorded in the English village of Cottingham earlier this week when the local University of Hull ruled out plans to sell off a property in the area previously used to accommodate students; the U.K. Home Office had planned to purchase the dorms to house over 1,000 asylum seekers

A public meeting took place last week and was attended by hundreds of concerned residents who stood their ground. They insisted the existing number of asylum seekers already residing in the village was more than their fair share and took to the streets in protest over the weekend. Within 48 hours, university leaders had issued a press release confirming that instead of selling to the Home Office, they would find a “financially viable alternative … that reflects the communities’ priorities.” Quite right.

For some, the hospitality offered to newcomers to Europe is still insufficient. Far-left activists in the French city of Nice this week took matters into their own hands by illegally requisitioning the home of an elderly French couple so it could be used to house asylum seekers. The grandson of the homeowners, who are currently under guardianship in a local care home, called the move by the Maison du Peuple (People’s House) organization an “unacceptable, illegal situation” and questioned whether the rule of law still applied in France.

At least some countries are taking the protection of their borders seriously. Next week, the Lithuanian government will aim to enshrine into law the push-back measures currently being used to counter the migration warfare launched by Belarus, no doubt at Putin’s behest. Reports suggest Estonia and Finland are following suit. Both countries border Russia, which has been accused of allowing economic migrants to pass through its territory to breach the European Union’s external border.

Speaking of Russia, the war in Ukraine rumbles on, prompting some Western allies to offer further resources to President Zelensky’s troops. This week, both Poland and Britain led the charge by confirming plans to provide heavily armored battle tanks to Kyiv, while both France and Germany agreed to transfer light tanks to support Ukraine’s defense forces. Ukraine, however, wants Germany to do more and send Leopard 2 battle tanks, a plea Chancellor Olaf Scholz has so far ignored as he waits for the green light from Washington D.C.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is unhappy with Germany’s hesitancy, warning that “a day of debate in Berlin is also a day of fear, suffering, pain, and sometimes death for Ukrainian civilians and soldiers.”

Russia appears to have upped the ante in terms of its assault on Ukraine, with British intelligence confirming this week that the Russian Air Force has almost certainly deployed its state-of-the-art Su-57 multi-role fighter jet to the region, its most-advanced fighter jet yet. Furthermore, the Kremlin has called up the world’s most powerful mortar dubbed the “Sledgehammer.” The self-propelled 2S4 Tyulpan mortar, known as the Tulip in English, has a 240mm cannon — twice the caliber of NATO mortars, which are just 120mm — as Vladimir Putin seeks to turn the tide in Ukraine.

Back in Brussels, in typical fashion, the European Union continued to punish nations that dare to vote in conservative governments. The European Commission suspended over 20 Hungarian universities from the Erasmus+ student exchange and educational cooperation program without adequate explanation. And conservative commentators in Poland claimed Brussels was hell-bent on bringing the country to ruin in order to force a change in government.

Meanwhile, in the more progressive governments (deemed to be acceptable to Brussels), liberal White males continue to mimic turkeys voting for Christmas. The latest case in Germany highlights this trend, where the Green Party dismissed its own justice minister, Dirk Adams, in the German state of Thuringia, simply for being a male of the wrong skin color. He is now to be replaced by Afro-German Doreen Denstäd, who may not have a law degree or any political experience, but whose appearance the party clearly believes to be more palatable.

In lighter news, Remix News’ staff are delighted to report that this week our Twitter account was magically reinstated, more than two years after being suspended without rhyme or reason. You can find us posting regularly on this platform once again in what we consider to be a resounding victory for free speech and media freedom. Thanks, Elon!

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