Tusk’s opposition to the EU migration pact ‘is a setup,’ warns Polish MEP Dominik Tarczyński

"If Tusk were serious about opposing the EU's migration pact, he would challenge it in the European Court of Justice," says Dominik Tarczyński, leader of the Polish Conservatives in the European Parliament

MEP Dominik Tarczyński. (Source: European Parliament)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
3 Min Read

Dominik Tarczyński, the leader of the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) faction in the European Parliament, has accused Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk of being disingenuous regarding Poland’s opposition to the EU migration pact.

On Tuesday, following the Council of Ministers meeting, Donald Tusk assured that Poland will not welcome any migrants under the migration pact. He added that Poland has already taken in hundreds of thousands of migrants due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and tens of thousands from Belarus.

Despite opposition from Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary, the migration pact was ultimately approved by the finance ministers of EU nations on Tuesday. This pact aims to address migration matters within the European Union, including providing assistance to countries facing migration pressures; however, critics such as Marine Le Pen have labeled it the “suicide of Europe,” as it will introduce another 75 million migrants to the continent and force countries in the east to take in more and more migrants.

According to Dominik Tarczyński, Tusk’s opposition to the migration pact “is a setup job.”

“We know what Tusk thinks. He agreed to let the pact through because he did not fight for the decision to be taken unanimously in the European Council,” Tarczyński told wPolityce.pl news outlet.

Tarczyński said he believes Tusk should have insisted that the principle of unanimity apply to this decision and should challenge the migration pact in the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the grounds that migration is an exclusive competence of the member states. Tarczyński added that if Tusk does not file such a challenge with the ECJ, it will then be clear that he supports the migration pact and has done what he was told to do by Germany.

The leader of the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) faction in the European Parliament says the migration pact clearly breaches the agreement reached in 2018 that relocation could only take place on a voluntary basis and that the former PiS government had blocked the migration pact in the European Council.

Tarczyński said he suspects that Tusk only instructed his minister to vote against the pact in the Council of the European Union because he knew that in that body, a qualified majority applies and there would not be enough votes to block it.

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