Two gang rapes per day in Merkel’s multicultural Germany; half of suspects are foreigners

By Robert
6 Min Read

The latest crime data released by Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) reveals that an average of two women or girls are gang-raped in Merkel’s multicultural Germany each day, with foreigners making up roughly half of the suspected perpetrators.

The unsettling data, cited in a report by the German conservative journal Junge Freiheit, shows that 704 occurrences of gang rape took place throughout Germany last year, compared to 710 in 2019 and 649 in 2018. 

Despite composing just 13.7 percent of Germany’s total population, foreigners are involved in half of the gang-rape cases. The official report notes men from majority-Muslim countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria are disproportionally represented as suspects in the recorded cases of gang rape. 

Migrants from Afghanistan are said to be especially overrepresented in the country’s gang rape statistics. As of 2018, Afghans made up 0.3 percent of Germany’s population but were suspected perpetrators in six percent of the country’s recorded gang rapes. The majority of the rapes took place while the migrants were in the process of applying for asylum. 

The report failed to mention what proportion of crimes were carried out by suspects who are second and third-generation immigrants. 

Geert Mackenroth, the chairman of the victim protection organization Weißer Ring in Saxony, says that the prevailing demographic profile of the gang-rape perpetrators isn’t particularly surprising given the massive amount of military-age foreign men from the Middle East who have been allowed into Germany since 2015, public broadcaster MDR Fernsehen reports.

“There are occasionally or often young foreign men involved because we of course have taken in a disproportionately large number of these young men from the population that has come to us since 2015, who have often come here alone, who have no ties,” Mackenroth said.

Commenting on the disturbing statistics, criminologist Christian Pfeiffer says that there’s “always the same basic pattern” among the perpetrators.

“Frustrated young men who fail,” Pfeiffer said. “They come from a culture in which men play the clear dominant role in society. In Germany, they then live in an outsider role. They notice that they have a hard time getting on with girls.”

After having these repeated, negative experiences with German women, aggression and violence inevitably follow, Pfeiffer notes, adding that the young migrant males tend not to find partners from their own cultures since few women from the Middle East have made their way to Europe.

Despite the alarming statistics and repeated reports of cruel attacks on women, Angela Merkel’s liberal government has done little to nothing to address the problem. 

Necla Kelek, a Turkish-born German feminist and women’s rights activist, has called on the German government to finally address the problem head-on and the role migration is playing in Germany’s rape problem.

“Migration research must question how a young girl can become a victim of men who come from another cultural area,” Kelek said. “Group rape is the worst thing that can happen to a woman. If society leaves them alone with this, the soul is almost wiped out.”

While commenting on the newly released figures, Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Martin Reichardt slammed Merkel’s CDU party for failing to protect Germany’s girls and women, saying: “This is Germany after 16 years of Christian Democratic Union rule. The real problems, especially those of imported crime, are played down and whoever names them is defamed.”

Since Angela Merkel opened Germany’s borders, the country has undergone an unprecedented demographic shift. Today, roughly 21.1 million people, or 26 percent of the population in Germany, are classified as having a “migrant background”, according to a report released by Germany’s Federal Statistical Office. 

Migration experts have forecasted that at least one-third of the population in Germany will have foreign backgrounds by 2040, with major cities like Frankfurt expected to see up to 70 percent of their population having migration backgrounds.

The report comes just days after police in the Lower Saxony town of Leer arrested three migrants, two Syrians aged 18 and 20 and a 21-year-old Iraqi, for brutally beating and gang-raping a 16-year-old German girl. The three Middle Eastern men are said to have arrived in Germany with their families during the first wave of the migrant crisis in 2015.

In May, five migrants from Nigeria, Togo, Cameroon, and Sierra Leone accused of gang-raping a teenage German girl and filming the incident were offered a suspended sentence if they confessed to the crime, making it so not one of them had to spend any time behind bars, Remix News reported.

Beatrix von Storch, the deputy chairperson for the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, lambasted the Berlin judge’s offer, saying: “And then we wonder why they don’t take our legal system seriously? We want #DeutschlandToBeNormal again. Which means: PRISON!” 

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