Vacation costs are up as most Poles opt for domestic getaways this summer

Polish travelers are planning to spend more on their vacations this year, largely favoring domestic destinations, with family vacation budgets seeing a significant increase

A beach near Łeba on the Polish Baltic Sea.
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
4 Min Read

This year, the average Polish vacationer plans to spend 1,734 złoty (€403) on their holiday, up 7 percent from the previous year, according to a study conducted by Minds & Roses on behalf of the Polish Bank Association.

For family trips, the typical summer budget rises to 4,334 złoty (€1,008 euro). Despite the higher costs, most are reluctant to finance their vacation expenses through loans or credit. Instead, they consistently seek out the best deals.

The study reveals that a majority of Poles are opting to vacation domestically this year. Although slightly lower than in previous years, more than half (56 percent) are choosing local destinations. Meanwhile, the number planning foreign trips has increased from 22 percent to 24 percent year-over-year.

Vacation prices remain high, despite lower inflation compared to the same period in 2023. Statistics Poland (GUS) reported a consumer inflation rate of 2.5 percent in May, compared to 13 percent in May 2023. Even with slower price increases, the costs may still affect the holiday plans of many Poles, pushing them to look for cheaper options.

Despite rising costs, the vast majority of Poles do not intend to give up their vacations. In fact, they are prepared to allocate a higher budget than in 2023.

“This year’s vacations will be more expensive — both per person and per family. The average expenditure will be 1,734 złoty per person, marking a 7 percent increase from last year’s 1,614 złoty. Family vacation budgets are close to 4,500 złoty,” said Przemysław Barbrich from the Polish Bank Association.

“However, these figures are indicative and based on surveyed declarations. Poles are well aware of the higher prices and have factored them into their vacation plans,” he added.

An overwhelming 82 percent of surveyed Poles are hesitant to take out loans or borrow money to fund their vacation trips, with 60 percent certain they would not consider it. The reluctance to take out loans for vacations has been increasing over the last three years, while only 13 percent are enthusiasts for financed trips.

However, not everyone will be able to enjoy a vacation. According to the study, 14 percent of Poles have no plans to travel and are opting to relax at home instead. The most common reason is a lack of funds — 39 percent cited a worsening financial situation as the main reason for not traveling, and 22 percent stated that the prices of trips this year are too high.

In the 2024 season, a comparison of vacation prices in the most popular agritourism regions — the seaside, Mazury lakes, and the mountains — reveals that a week-long stay for a family of two adults and two children costs over 4,900 złoty (€1,140) in Mazury, nearly 3,100 złoty (€721) at the Baltic Sea, and almost 5,900 złoty (€1372) in the mountains.

These are not low rates, but they are significantly lower than last year. The most substantial drop, by about 1,900 złoty, occurred in nature retreats in coastal towns.

According to the Polish Bank Association’s analysis, prices have risen in most parts of the country, including apartments, hotels, tent sites, and campgrounds. The only exception is agritourism, where decreases have been observed.

As for vacations abroad, some destinations like Egypt and Tunisia may offer lower prices than last year, but trips to popular destinations such as Turkey or Greece have become more expensive compared to twelve months earlier.

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