After Muslim riots in Sweden, Swedish PM says integration has failed, immigrants fuel gang crime

Sweden has failed to integrate the large numbers of migrants the country…

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Swedish police: Illegal Afghan migrant raped woman then threw her down a mine shaft

Swedish police have arrested a man in his 40s from Afghanistan on…

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WATCH: Antifa beats woman in German clothing store, coordinates attacks in multiple cities

Disturbing footage has gone viral of left-wing extremists attacking staff and vandalizing…

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Germany: Deutsche Bahn must offer third gender option for train tickets, court rules

The Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt is forcing Deutsche Bahn to offer…

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‘I don’t feel like I’m in Belgium’ – Socialist leader claims multicultural Brussels neighborhood seems like a foreign land

The Brussels district of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, known for its large Muslim population, is…

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Douglas Murray: Victimhood is wielded as a weapon to seize power

The prominent British political commentator and author Douglas Murray introduced his new…

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France: 85% of Muslims voted for Macron

An overwhelming majority of Muslims resident in France voted for Emmanuel Macron…

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Europe censored: EU agrees on controversial new law to regulate social media

Negotiators for the European Parliament and EU member states agreed on Saturday…

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