Slovenian conservatives defeated during a good night for European liberals

Overshadowed by the duel between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen in…

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Somali migrant who screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ while stabbing 3 German women to death will avoid prison

As with many other cases involving a migrant who reportedly killed his…

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Liberals praise Macron victory, including Czech and Slovak leaders

Congratulating an election winner, even an ideological rival, can often be chalked…

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Germany’s migrant population places major burden on healthcare system and state budgets

Healthcare costs associated with Germany's rapidly growing immigrant population are soaring, and…

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As churches continue to close, France opens massive mosque in Toulouse to accommodate 4,000 worshippers

The Mirail mosque in Toulouse, which can accommodate 4,000 people, opened on…

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The EU launches a direct assault against Marine Le Pen’s presidential bid

In a sign that the European Union has completely abandoned any pretense…

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Britain will send Channel migrants to Rwanda

Wrapped in a conspicuous concern for refugees and misplaced anger diverted towards…

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