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Babiš: I can think of a dozen better ways to spend EU money than on Frontex

The Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs is prepared to discuss Andrej Danko’s…

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs will discuss Hungarian solidarity declaration

Lech Wałęsa went to vote in a “KONSTYTUCJA” (constitution) long-sleeve t-shirt, which…

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The fall of German socialists

Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš planned to deliver a speech at the…

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Wałęsa voted in a “Constitution” shirt

The candidates for Mayor of Warsaw share their gratitude on social media.…

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Opposition takes Warsaw in Round One

According to late exit polls, Law and Justice (PiS) is in the…

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PiS won, but not in the big cities

A round-up of Hungarian online media reports on the Polish municipal elections

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