Latest France News
France must drastically reduce immigration or become Third World country, says former head of intelligence agency
It is not the first time former DGSE director and former ambassador…
French pesticide ban benefits Russia and could lead to hunger in North Africa
France has apparently shot itself in the foot, with the French Food…
Support for mass immigration among French left has plummeted in last 5 years
The number of those on the left of French politics who believe…
200 young migrants occupy abandoned school in Paris
A group of unaccompanied migrant youths have taken possession of a disused…
France won’t hand over terrorists to its EU partners as long as they belong to the radical left
Over the past decade, France’s successive left-wing governments have banned or harassed…
France to disperse migrants from Paris to countryside ahead of Rugby World Cup and 2024 Summer Olympics
The French government plans to relocate migrants currently living on the streets…