
Latest Ireland News

Ukrainian refugee tourism to Ireland is part of the government’s left-wing policy of population adjustment

The recent revelations that Ukrainian nationals are relocating to Ireland from other…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

Ireland seeks to limit Ukrainian benefits as 30% of recent new arrivals come from other EU member states

Ukrainian nationals living in other European countries are migrating to Ireland in…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

Ireland’s population surges after highest immigration figures for almost 2 decades

The Republic of Ireland's population has grown by almost 2 percent in…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

Ryanair CEO pied in face by eco-activists during Brussels press conference

The CEO of the Irish airline Ryanair suffered the misfortune of being…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

Irish children to be taught about white privilege, gender, and sexual diversity

A new draft curriculum proposed by the Irish education ministry's advisory council…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke