‘F**k PiS!’ – Liberal Polish activists go into a frenzy in new shocking video

Campus Polska has been widely praised by mainstream media in Poland, but behind the carefully crafted image lies a disturbing reality fueled by political indoctrination and hate, writes political commentator Wojciech Mucha

Donald Tusk together with Rafał Trzaskowski at "Campus Polska" 2021. (Source: Fb/Campus Polska)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

The multi-day event in Poland, known as Campus Polska, has received glowing coverage from most of Poland’s mainstream media outlets. The state-run TVP, which was seized illegally, has gone so far as to fawn over trivial details such as Education Minister Barbara Nowacka wearing jeans and Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski sporting a hoodie.

The event’s purpose is clear: to unite veteran politicians of the left-liberal coalition with young, aspiring activists.

The program includes lectures and panel discussions, but the event’s real nature was exposed through a video posted by an activist. The footage reveals a late-night party where a crowd of young people, led by ministers Sławomir Nitras and Adam Szłapka, chant “F**k PiS” and “PiS out!”

PiS is the conservative Law and Justice party, which previously led the Polish government, but has since become the leading opposition party.

The clip, shared by a young zealot infatuated with Donald Tusk, was intended to mock the hated “PiS-ers” by showcasing the disdain people like him feel towards them.

Ironically, the organizers insist that “Campus Polska is not a political project.” That much is true. It is something far worse — a brainwashing operation and a breeding ground for hatred, all supported by big capital, local governments, and German foundations.

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