Global financial elite continue meddling in EU affairs: commentary

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3 Min Read

Contrary to the hope that last May’s European Parliament election would improve matters, in reality the European Union remains under the influence of the global financial elite.

Last year, we had high hopes that after the elections the European situation would be better off, with nationalist forces who support sovereignty expected to gain the upper hand against the liberal-globalist powers. There were also hopes that a shift towards the nationalists would bring about an end to the attacks against Hungary it Poland.

Not only has this not happened, but the situation may be even worse now.

Instead of resulting in a breakthrough, the elections resulted in a stalemate instead. The two previously defining groups of the European Parliament – the Social Democrats and European People’s Party – both lost some of their influence, losing 35 seats each.

On the left side, the liberals and Greens gained 39 and 23 seats, respectively, while the two nationalist parties, the Europe of Nations and Freedom and the Identity and Democracy group, now have a combined 134 seats.

This made the political horse-trading of the new EU leadership a predictably convoluted process, with many behind-the-scenes deals, which ultimately resulted in the election of Ursula von der Leyen as the head of the European Commission. The agreement to install her in the position was a compromise and still a better outcome than the election of Frans Timmermans would have been.

While Hungary can be satisfied with the appointment of Olivér Várhelyi in the key position of Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, the executive vice-presidencies of Frans Timmermans and Margrethe Vestager from Denmark, and the vice-presidency of Czech Věra Jourová, are much less welcome, seeing how all three are outspoken globalists, federalists and pro-migration.

So there is, in theory, a stalemate. But as Viktor Orbán also pointed out, there is one small problem. The global financial elite, primarily represented by George Soros, are attempting to interfere from the outside with their support of the globalist-federal side.

In other word, outside powers not elected by anyone are influencing the internal political discourse in the European Union.

This is neither fair nor just, but most importantly it is not democratic. All we can do now is to make this state of affairs known to the best of our ability and as far as our voices can carry, so the whole worlds knows what kind of forces we are facing.

Title image: Flags in front of the European Parliament.

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