Migrants in Austria are less educated than expected

By admin
1 Min Read

Research shows completely contradicting figures if compared to a three-year-old study by the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS). A study from 2016 focusing on level of education of asylum seekers in the country concluded that their qualifications are much better than expected. Back then, AMS collected responses from 898 migrants, but the recent study works with more than 32,000 respondents. Which is one of the reasons why the new data differs from the original findings.

The largest group among asylum seekers are Syrians, followed by Afghans and migrants from Russia, Iraq and Iran. Migrants from those five countries combined amount to 28,000. And according to Die Presse, nearly 70 percent are uneducated. For example, less than 13 percent of the Afghans surveyed have higher than compulsory education.

Moreover, many of those who claim to be trained in craftsmanship don’t have anything to prove it. In 2016, the study showed that many migrants are analphabets and they must learn the basics before being able to attend more advanced courses planned for them.


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