Opinion: Increase in PiS voters show scale of victory

By admin
2 Min Read

Lisicki pointed out that the election results are not a surprise as they reflected what was being shown in recent surveys.

“This, however, surely is a huge victory, because these are the second elections won in a row and the second time an absolute majority has been reached. The number of people voting for PiS has increased significantly,” he told Do Rzeczy.

He emphasized that although Jarosław Kaczyński himself was counting on more in terms of mandates, this is still the first time in Polish history where a party wins an election twice in a row with an absolute majority.

Lisicki criticized KO leader Grzegorz Schetyna, who claimed that he had achieved a “great victory”, stating that Schetyna was assuring before the elections that his party would receive more than 30 percent of the votes, when they got 27, a worse result than in 2015.

Despite the Confederation finally entering parliament, Lisicki is skeptical as to whether they will have enough mandates (11) to create a political club, limiting their influence.

He also said that PSL’s results was surprisingly high compared to polls, but not that much of a shock if one brought together the support of both PSL and Kukiz’15, their coalitionary.