The European Green Deal will lead to a centralized system of power unlike any before it

By admin
3 Min Read

Brussels is accelerating its policies concerning the Green Deal for the European Union, and it could have dramatic consequences that go far beyond the environment.

By 2030, the level of emissions in member states is to be reduced by 55 percent and not the previous 40 percent. In this race to meet these goals based on percentages, the essence of what will happen to broader society, the economy and the political order has been mostly omitted.

The reality is that in order to bring about this Green Deal, one must first conduct a green revolution.

The concept of the Green Deal is established based on a scientific hypothesis, and therefore, is not meant to be argued with and is supposedly irreversible. Climatologists have decided that if global warming exceeds a two-degree rise, we will face a global catastrophe. The stakes in this race to meet certain targets is therefore based on avoiding an apocalypse.

In reality, however, no one is exactly sure how emissions affect climate change. Moreover, Europe’s contribution to global emissions is very minor. It may be so that the entire massive effort introduced to reach climate neutrality in the EU will not protect us from crossing the threshold which will bring about catastrophe.

One thing is certain, the green revolution required to make the Green Deal a reality will concern all of Europe’s industry, as the value of each product will be measured by the emissions made during its production. This will completely change the competition within the EU and also create completely new relations between Europe’s economy and the global economy. 

If we look at the fact that this new green order is not only about industry, but also agriculture, transport and the functioning of homes, and that every one of our behaviors will be constantly evaluated in terms of emissions, only then will we begin to understand that we are facing a total change throughout society. 

Such a massive process will have to be directed from above, which I believe that this is where the crux of the entire project is headed.

The Green Deal will lead to the creation of a new, centralized system of European government unlike any we have seen before. It will position traditional political government in member states in an entirely new position and will open new conflicts within their democratic societies.

In the upcoming decades, we will see whether the green revolution actually ends with a social and political counter-revolution against the EU.

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