The suicidal stupidity of Europe is clear for all to see

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during a press conference in Berlin, Friday, July 22, 2022. (Photo/Markus Schreiber)
By Dénes Albert
3 Min Read

The immune system of the Germans is being destroyed. In a recent survey by the public service polling institute Deutschlandtrend, 58 percent of respondents said that they support sanctions against Russia even if they adversely affect the European economy.

The data says even more when we delve into the detail. A huge 90 percent of the supporters of the left-liberal Greens, 72 percent of the Social Democrats, 70 percent of the liberal FDP, and 67 percent of the center-right CDU/CSU support punitive measures even if there are disadvantages. However, supporters of one party think completely differently: Only 16 percent of the voters of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) are in favor of the sanctions, and 80 percent reject them.

It is no less telling that the proportion of those who support sanctions at all costs is 63 percent in the Western provinces, and only 39 percent in the Eastern ones. The numbers clearly show the well-known political reality that the East Germans still live worse and are fed up with the condescending style of the left-liberal elite and with their dangerous ideas. That is why mass immigration and sanctions against Russia are rejected in the East, and of course, that is why the AfD is much stronger there than in the West.

It is this suicidal stupidity that wants to bury Europe under itself. Fortunately, there are still people who understand this. The view that sanctions must be supported even if they hurt Europe is also prevalent in Brussels. It would even be a somewhat understandable argument that Europe must make sacrifices, but the reality is that Europe suffers the most from the entire sanctions policy.

As Prime Minister Viktor Orbán highlighted in his speech in Tusványos, all four pillars of the West’s strategy have collapsed: The Ukrainians will never win a war against Russia with American training and weapons; sanctions will not sway Moscow; Europe is in trouble, economically but also politically with governments falling like dominoes; and in the end, the world is demonstrably not with us.

When should the strategy be reconsidered, if not now?

What is the West doing instead? For example, the press is increasingly ridiculously asserting that Vladimir Putin is sick, has cancer, or is even dead. The ammunition for such craziness is enthusiastically provided by Ukrainian politicians and intelligence services, and such statements are treated by the press as ready-made facts, not as war propaganda, leaving aside all professionalism. This is especially amusing in light of the fact that the entire Russian media is slowly being banned from Europe.

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