Hungary has discovered its first case of monkeypox, chief medical officer Cecília Müller announced on Tuesday.
“Monkeypox has also appeared in Hungary, the rare African disease was identified in a 38-year-old man,” Müller said. She added that the infection only spreads through close contact and lasts for about two to four weeks, especially in patients with compromised immune systems and pregnant mothers.

Epidemiologists have been warned for days about the appearance of the disease in Hungary, which is associated with fever, headaches, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes and chickenpox-like rashes. However, virologists have also pointed out that there is no cause for serious concern, as this disease will not become a pandemic.
For the time being, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not consider it possible for monkeypox to become a global pandemic. However, in order to curb the spread of the disease, everyone is advised to avoid close contact with those who are infected or have symptoms suggestive of monkeypox, and to use a condom every time they have sex, in accordance with hygiene rules.
Those with confirmed suspicion of monkeypox are advised to isolate until the scabs fall off, to cover the rashes and skin lesions with a light bandage or cloth, and to refrain from social contacts.