Marine Le Pen thanks Hungarians for their resistance against the European superstate

French National Rally leader Marine Le Pen stands during a joint press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest, Hungary, Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021. (AP Photo/Laszlo Balogh)
By Remix News Staff
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The leader of the French National Rally, Marine Le Pen, has summed up her experience gained during her October visit to Budapest in a letter addressed to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In her message, she assured the prime minister of her political support and advocated a Europe that is not built against the interests of EU member states but is designed to strengthen these through free cooperation.

Addressing her words to Orbán, Le Pen wrote that during her visit to Budapest she recognized that Hungary had never made a compromise and had never given up protecting its identity. The fact that they never renounced their freedom and independence also shows the spirit of Hungarians, she said. Le Pen thanked Orbán for the “meaningful and constructive exchange of views” regarding their discussion about the future of Europe and the importance of the role of nations and peoples that make up Europe.

She reassured Orbán of her continued support for his resistance against threats and blackmail coming from the European Union against Hungary, writing, “I am more convinced than ever that patriotic and sovereign forces must unite in battle, the sovereignty of states must be restored and guaranteed within the European project.”

She also pointed out that Hungarian government parties and her own movement share a common platform, a fact made clear during their meetings in Budapest. The unification charter signed by the two political formations, in particular, is a step in the right direction, she wrote. This charter consolidates a common vision of a Europe that is not built against member states, but is built through a freely chosen and consensual politics of cooperation. Being one of France’s leading presidential candidates for the April 2022 national elections, she reaffirmed her intention to take this emphasis on sovereignty and independence through to her campaign manifesto.

During their meeting at the end of October in Budapest, the two leaders exchanged views about the ongoing debate concerning the future of Europe, where Orbán updated the French politician about his talks regarding the creation of a new conservative European political platform.

During a press conference following their meeting, the Hungarian leader said that the European Commission has become the ideological center of the guardian of EU treaties, and that Poland and Hungary are experiencing a modernized form of the Brezhnev doctrine. In his view, ideological pressure within the European Union had reached unprecedented proportions. Migration and the promotion of an open society have become the main goals for the Commission, he added. He also stated that in recent years the European Parliament had repeatedly tried to “crucify” Hungary politically.

He thanked Marine Le Pen for the fact that every time Hungary and the government party Fidesz were unjustly attacked in the European Parliament, she and her movement always stood by Hungary.

At the same time, Orbán pointed out, the EU’s competitiveness in the global economy was declining and it is losing its political clout and power in the international arena. He also said that the EU is unable to resolve migratory pressures on its borders, comparing the migrant crisis to “a living wound,” a constant burden and a challenge. Orbán stated that he was opposed to the creation to any kind of European superstate.

For her part, Le Pen praised the Hungarian government for successfully protecting itself against migratory pressures. She emphasized that nations have a right to a constitutional identity, and that the European Union can only exercise the powers that have been delegated to it by these member states.

“I say to the Hungarians: hold on!” Le Pen said. The French politician emphasized that the replacement of the European population cannot be allowed, instead, young Europeans should be aided in having their own children, and praised the Hungarian government’s family support policies.

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