Czech news site editorial urges Ukraine to ‘hit the brakes’ as diplomatic ties with allies become fragile

Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky addresses the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2023 at the United Nations headquarters. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

The latest disputes over arms and Ukrainian grain do not undermine Poland’s support for Ukraine, because the strategic alliance is too crucial to be overshadowed by disagreements. However, Poland’s frustration with Ukraine is evident, a recent editorial from the Czech news site, Konzervativni Noviny, noted.

The Ukrainians seem to take Poland’s unwavering support for granted and, in return, offer little. There are several points of contention, including Ukraine’s lack of a symbolic apology for the Volhynia massacre, non-endorsement of the current Polish government, preference for Western companies during the country’s eventual rebuild, and general challenges in collaboration.

“In general, Ukrainians are not masters of diplomacy and Poles have had enough of Zelensky, who indirectly called them a Russian vanguard in his speech before the UN,” the editorial reads.

The Czech news portal compares Ukraine’s diplomatic approach to “an elephant in a china shop,” asserting that Ukraine, like Russia, China, Turkey, and some African migrants, has taken advantage of the West’s seeming lack of self-respect.

Yet, this type of aggressive diplomacy may not be as effective in Central Europe.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s diplomatic moves have become increasingly irksome to the West, as observed during the recent NATO summit in Vilnius. Notably, the U.K. and the U.S. expressed discontent, with Poland emerging as Ukraine’s primary defender.

The editorial also underlines Ukraine’s shaky diplomacy with other nations, referencing a recent statement by Mykhailo Podoliak, an advisor to President Zelensky.

Podoliak allegedly remarked that India and China lack intellectual potential, explaining their reluctance to support Ukraine. This comment wasn’t missed by Chinese and Indian media leading Beijing to demand an official clarification from Kyiv.

The Czech commentary highlights the audacity of such a statement by noting India’s recently successful lunar mission.

Konzervativni Noviny’s message to Ukraine is clear: “Dear Ukrainians… Hit the brakes!”

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