Polish MEP lashes out at pro-Russian Germany and France, accuses Brussels of failing to support Poland’s humanitarian efforts

Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, outgoing Law and Justice (PiS) MEP.
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
3 Min Read

Germany’s current policy on the war in Ukraine has been heavily criticized by a Polish MEP who also attacked the European Commission for turning a blind eye to the financial burden incurred by Poland for accommodating some 3 million Ukrainian refugees.

During an interview on Polish Radio, MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski claimed in reference to German foreign policy with Russia that “the course for collaboration and protection of Russian interests will be continued, all while creating a completely opposite impression.”

Asked if Germany really wanted to give weapons for Ukraine, the MEP replied: “They do not, it is just a game of appearances for the government. The German society is of a different opinion — 60 percent want the halting of oil imports and the giving of serious, military help to Ukraine.

“There are analysts’ commentaries that the so-called ‘deep state’ of Germany, contrary to what the public wants, cynically does what it did before, which is collaborating with Russia, and it wants to continue doing it,” stated Saryusz-Wolski, who also targeted France, berating its traditional pro-Russian attitude and claiming both its presidential candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, are pro-Russian politicians.

“By blocking and refusing to send help to Ukraine, Germany and France are denying provisions from the European Convention on Human Rights requiring the EU to promote peace. They violate those values, so we should hold them accountable under Article 7, as they did before with false accusation,” said the Polish MEP.

Saryusz-Wolski also took aim at the European Commission, criticizing the lack of funds on hand for Poland given the level of assistance the country is providing for millions of Ukrainian refugees.

“This is a cost of €21 billion, this year only, which is about 3.3 percent of the Poland’s GDP. It is a huge burden that Brussels seems not to notice at all,” he said.

Saryusz-Wolski said that those funds were being blocked by Paris and Berlin who stand behind the European Commission of Ms. Von der Leyen. The MEP sees it as “a fragment of an overall strategy of starving Poland,” which was promoted by Vice President of the European Parliament, Katarina Barley a German Social Democrat (SPD) politician.

“This is further evidence proving that with big words of admiration and compassion, simultaneously comes cold cynicism when it comes to helping the Ukrainians themselves in a tangible way,” the MEP concluded.

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