Israel and Gaza’s bloody conflict shows diversity is not our strength, and Europeans should take note

Fire and smoke rise following an Israeli airstrike, in Gaza City, Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)
By Remix News Staff
10 Min Read

As the battle rages in Israel between Palestine, there are many on the right and left investing themselves with both sides of the conflict, but for Europe’s political leaders, the never-ending conflict should bear one overarching message: Diversity is not a strength.

This conflict, and many other conflicts throughout human history, reveal conclusively that despite all the illusions, propaganda, and mantras directed at the Western public, the reality is that diversity is a breeding ground for conflict. As Europe already shows, it has led to political polarization, a loss of identity, and a major security and social threat.

In many countries throughout history, it has led to open warfare and collapse.

Diversity can be somewhat managed, for example, Israel as a Jewish state features a wide-ranging and diverse Jewish population, but their common Jewish identity unites them. Israel is not a hodgepodge of wildly different cultures with no unifying theme, and its relations with the Palestinians are most certainly not a source of “strength.”

Instead, Israel is about to launch a major operation to avenge the death of hundreds of citizens and soldiers. The Israeli army Major General Ghasan Alyan warned Hamas it had “opened the gates of hell.”

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Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered a “total siege” on Gaza, which is home to 2.3 million people: “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel. We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly,” he said.

Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz also stated: “I ordered to immediately cut off the water supply from Israel to Gaza.”

Meanwhile, Hamas has called for a holy war and announced that all “Arab and Islamic nations” should join the battle.

One cannot help but contrast the rhetoric from both sides with the cloying, endless, pro-diversity propaganda in everything from Western children’s books to television ads, all featuring a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds smiling and holding hands now and forever.

Hamas is not the only issue either — even Israel’s 1.6 million Palestinians are seen as a security threat by the country’s intelligence services, and open violence between this population and the Jewish majority is a commonplace feature in many cities.

Europe’s great diversity lie

At the European level, there does seem to be a deep shift towards Israel, even with the government of Benjamin Netanyahu routinely referred to as “far right” by the European liberal press. It is not just Viktor Orbán’s government backing Israel completely, but EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has also made it quite clear whose side she is on.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, for his part, said he is “unwaveringly on Israel’s side.”

This is in sharp contrast to Angela Merkel’s stance many years ago, when she blamed Netanyahu over a decade ago for continuing to build settlements. At that time, the Guardian reported:

The Israeli prime minister telephoned Merkel on Monday to say he was disappointed that Germany had voted for a UN security council resolution condemning settlements that was vetoed by the US.

According to a German official quoted by Haaretz, Merkel was furious. “How dare you?” she said. “You are the one who has disappointed us. You haven’t made a single step to advance peace.”

Yet, even as Scholz and von der Leyen have staked out a more accommodating stance towards Israel than many mainstream European politicians of the past, they are exactly the same politicians promoting the “diversity” that can only lead to conflict, and perhaps, one day even civil war in Europe.

A state of tensions can exist between opposing groups for decades or even centuries before open hostilities break out — Syria is another prime example. The EU wants to build Syrias and Israels across Europe, importing populations that often have a hostile view to their new hosts.

Even in Europe itself, cultural and ethnic differences have led to warfare in the past, as they currently simmer in a variety of regions up until this day, most notably the Balkans. As unpleasant as it is, ethnicity and race are also serving as a sharp point of division. Europe has had trouble enough managing its divisions without importing alien cultures completely divorced from European norms; nevertheless, the forced diversity initiative must continue unabated.

Those repeating the mantra that “diversity is a strength” have always repeated this phrase more as a slogan, a blind marching order lacking context or substance, and often enough they do not even practice this slogan in their own lives, as evidenced by where they send their children to school and where they choose to live.

Those in the mainstream admit the growing anger and division related to the issues of identity and diversity. In fact, just last week, the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said: “Migration is a bigger divide for the European Union. And it could be a dissolving force for the European Union.”

Borrell is, however, known for “misspeaking” about such matters, catching flak last year for his comments about how he sees Europe:

“Europe is a garden. We have built a garden. Everything works. It is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that humankind has been able to build – the three things together

“The rest of the world is not exactly a garden. Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden.”

They can sometimes admit the truth, but unlike Israel, they appear powerless to stop the endless migration they actively encourage. Many of these same European politicians condemning the barbarity of the murder, rape and killing on the part of Hamas have made little mention of the murder, rape and killing perpetrated by migrants from across the Middle East that have arrived in Europe over the years — with the great exception of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and Poland’s political leadership.

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It is not just the high-profile terror attacks like the Bataclan massacre or the truck attack at the Berlin Christmas market. These attacks always garner some token comments from the political class, but more importantly, it is the daily murder and mayhem facing European cities due to mass immigration. Murders and shootings are at a record high in Sweden, gang rapes are at a record high in Germany, and the Pakistani grooming gangs that targeted young women in U.K. cities for years were covered up despite the large number of victims. While diversity is largely responsible in each of these cases. Europe’s political class will never condone any type of even mild retribution for these crimes — even migrants convicted of crimes are rarely deported from Europe.

For years, the EU has hounded Orbán for implementing the most basic protections for his country in the form of a strong border policy and building a border fence. It is all well and fine if von der Leyen and Scholz want to declare their unflinching support for Israel, but the same courtesy should be directed to other EU members attempting to protect their own borders.

Ultimately, the migrant crisis can be fixed, hundreds of thousands of economic migrants can be deported and resettled peacefully in their home countries, and Europe can actually keep its “garden.” However, it will first have to give up the lie that “diversity is our strength” and come to grips with the reality of a world that is not necessarily nice or ideal, and as Borrell said plainly, often features the qualities of a “jungle.”

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