Afghan migrant known for making Hitler salutes on trial for threatening to slit his girlfriend’s throat and blow up his asylum center

The media describes the young Afghan as a supporter of Nazism and radical Islam

By Remix News Staff
1 Min Read

A 20-year-old Afghan migrant, Hatam A., was arrested at a French asylum center for unaccompanied minors in Toulenne last Wednesday. He is now on trial for various death threats he made towards his girlfriend, along with threats to blow up his own asylum center.

According to reports, he defines himself as belonging to the National Socialist movement and “regularly uses” the Hitler salute. He also told police he is in contact with radical Islamists groups.

The man, who has no criminal record, was initially reported by the asylum center because he threatened staff that he would “plant” bombs at the management office of the asylum center, according to a report from Le Figaro.

He also threatened to blow up the entire town of Langon and “to slit his girlfriend’s throat if she cheated on him.”

The Afghan was brought before a judge on Friday. He is charged with “repeated threats to commit dangerous destruction against people,” “violence with a bladed weapon,” and death threats against the director of the center for unaccompanied minors and a public authority.

The Afghan was placed in provisional detention pending the results of a psychiatric examination.

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