Islamists call for further attacks in Germany, celebrate terror stabbing that killed 3 people at the ‘Festival of Diversity’

"A real wave of young terrorists is rolling in"

Issa al Hassan is being featured in an Islamic State publication celebrating attacks in Germany.
By Remix News Staff
3 Min Read

Germany has faced a wave of lone-wolf terror attacks in recent months, including in Mannheim, Munich, and Solingen, but now an offshoot of the Islamic State is calling for more such attacks, and is actively glorifying the attack in Solingen, which saw three people die at the “Festival of Diversity.”

The radical Islamists magazine “Voice of Khorasa,” which is a publication from the terror group “Islamic State Khorasan Province” (ISPK), which is connected to IS in Afghanistan and Pakistan, is celebrating the attacks in Solingen which occurred on Aug. 23. During the attack, a 26-year-old Syrian, Issa al Hassan, a known Islamist, stabbed three people to death, two of which were confirmed to be involved in pro-refugee activities. Another eight people were injured during the attack.

German news outlet RTL reported on the magazine’s coverage. In one article, it reads: “Attack on Germany. For the revenge of the Muslims.” A photo of a blood-stained knife is also attached to the article.

In particular, the Islamist group is calling for attacks on LGBT events.

RTL notes that the magazine is a powerful tool for recruiting suicide bombers and other Islamists.

“But the main aim is to generate new recruits,” says terrorism expert Michael Ortmann. The magazine is calling for terror attacks mainly from “lone wolves,” which are far harder to track and surveil than groups of Islamists looking to carry out an attack. In many cases, these solo terrorists have never even contacted any terror groups directly, exactly like the Solingen attacker.

Hassan remains in custody for murder but Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

One state security official speaking with Bild warned: “A real wave of young terrorists is rolling in,” he said, adding that “the targeted call to attack LGBT events is very alarming to us. This type of call is new.”

Just this week, Chancellor Olaf Scholz reiterated that Germany would continue sending weapons to Israel, a decision that could further enrage Germany’s growing Muslim population.

Recent demonstrations in Hamburg this weekend, attended by thousands of Islamists, are calling for sharia law in Germany and the establishment of a new caliphate.

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