Morawiecki delivered his speech during a conference organized on the 145thbirthday of Wincenty Witos, a famous Polish peasant politician who helped build the Second Polish Republic.
The PM urged for national unity and trust: “We need national unity and trust, let the death of Paweł Adamowicz be a breakthrough. I appeal to all politicians, media, people of culture: let us improve our public lives!”
We need national unity and trust, let the death of Paweł Adamowicz be a breakthrough
Morawiecki also urged for public debate to become “calmer, wiser and full of respect for one another.” The PM underlined that “unity and peace are key to the development of the entire nation and to make use of the chances fought for by the fathers of our independence.”
“Pojednanie i zgoda są kluczowe dla rozwoju całego narodu oraz do wykorzystania szans, o które walczyli ojcowie naszej niepodległości” – piękne słowa premiera @MorawieckiM, w których apeluje o pojednanie i wzajemny szacunek w debacie publicznej.#tvpinfo #wieszwięcej @PremierRP
— TOP TVP INFO (@TOPTVPINFO) 20 January 2019
The mayor of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz was stabbed to death on stage during a charity event on Sunday 20thJanuary. More than 40,000 people participated in his funeral in Gdańsk on Saturday.
Morawiecki’s appeal come after the Polish opposition had tried to blame Law and Justice for the death of Gdańsk’s mayor. PiS spokeswoman Beata Mazurek criticised these accusations on Twitter:
“In the face of human tragedy, PiS behaved as it should have. Unfortunately, the total opposition and some of the media used this tragedy as part of their election campaign to attack the Right. We will not stand by in the face of these suppositions, lies and insinuations.”
W obliczu ludzkiej tragedii, PIS zachował się jak trzeba. Niestety totalna opozycja i część mediów wykorzystała to nieszczęście jako kampanię wyborczą do polit. ataków na Zjednoczoną Prawicę.Nie będziemy bierni na supozycje, kłamstwa i insynuacje.
— Beata Mazurek (@beatamk) 20 January 2019