Slovakia: Health insurance companies to stop reimbursing women in their forties for abortions
According to World Bank forecasts, Central Europe can expect 3.6 percent economic…
World Bank: Polish monetary policy will aid the recovery after pandemic
A Polish NGO is threatening to sue a French public radio station…
French public radio accused of defaming Poland over Holocaust-related court ruling
Democracy is far from an ideal form of government, but we are…
Polish political center moves sharply to the left on abortion
Somali-born Hirsi Ali was forced to flee Europe over Muslim death threats.…
Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s new book is a damning verdict on European immigration policy
A major figure from France's left decries the lack of freedom present…
‘Freedom ceased to exist in France a long time ago,’ says French left-wing philosopher Michel Onfray
The Hungarian government indicated that the Reuters report contained false information, but…