Czechia should reject Muslim migration, warns Center for Terrorism Research

The newly established Czech Center for Terrorism Research (CVT), in collaboration with…

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Pegasus 2.0: Are the Pandora Papers a hybrid warfare operation?

Just when it seemed that the Pegasus spy-software story that erupted in…

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The European Parliament goes on ‘fact finding mission’ before its show-trial against Hungary

Members of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home…

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What You Need to Know about New Covid Variants

We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet…

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German president calls for greater appreciation of migrants while praising worst-integrated migrant group

Germany is a country with an immigrant background, and its wealth and…

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Will Europe’s housing crisis spark a socialist revolution?

Rental costs and housing prices have risen dramatically worldwide - if anything,…

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Meeting of minds between Mike Pence and Viktor Orbán at Budapest Demographic Summit

Increasingly, world leaders and intellectuals are traveling to the Hungarian capital when…

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Germany: Trained left-wing activists were put in TV debate to ‘finish off’ Armin Laschet

During a televised debate on German public television last week in the…

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Czech PM: The extinction of Europe won’t be prevented through migration, but by increasing the birthrate

The Czech Republic's prime minister rejects the idea that immigration must be…

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