Latest Religion News
Muslim high school sues French state for loss of public funding
The Averroès Muslim High School was found to have encouraged teachings that…
Marriage preparation course targeting girls aged 13 sparks controversy in German mosque
A Mannheim mosque faces backlash over a flyer advertising a marriage preparation…
Islam accounts for 81% of religious incidents in French workplaces, new report finds
Religious tensions are on the rise in French workplaces, driven by the…
Damning report highlights growing intolerance and violence against Christians in Europe
Anti-Christian hate crimes and discrimination are surging across Europe, with a new…
Switzerland: Migrant liberal politician uses Mary and Jesus image for target practice
Sanija Ameti is a Bosnian Muslim who is known for her provocative…
Islamist cleric fundraising to convert remote Scottish island into Muslim ‘homeland’
A controversial Islamist preacher wants to buy a remote Scottish island and…