This is how uncivilized the Polish presidential elections have become: opinion

By admin
3 Min Read

A group of Committee for the Defense of Democracy (KOD) activists, who rudely and boorishly interrupted President Andrzej Duda’s speeches at state celebrations, were warmly embraed by Civic Platform (PO) presidential candidate Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska during the ceremony.

Duda was holding speeches to mark the occasion of the centenary of Poland’s symbolic marriage to the Baltic Sea following the Treaty of Versailles which opened up the sea to Poland once more, but the activists followed the president to all the different ceremonies.

Kidawa-Błońska, who was also present at the events due to her function as the deputy Speaker of the Sejm, did not seem to mind the protests.

PO’s candidate seemed to be thrilled by the presence of the activists as she profusely and warmly greeted them after they essentially tarnished the important celebration.

Outraged social media users were quick to spread the news of Kidawa-Błońska’s behavior, including this post on Twitter:

“In the film we can see Speaker Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska approach KOD activsts who are interrupting Andrzej Duda’s speech. A warm greeting. No end to the kisses. There was even a question from them:

“Could you hear us?” they asked

“Of course I could!” she replied.

Such behavior from the opposition along with KOD activists does not lend any hope that the current presidential campaign will be a civil and respectful affair or one based on merit. But the majority of reasonable users on the web already seem to know this.

It is surprising that Duda’s main opponent in the upcoming elections greeted the activists with joy and warmth considering the gravity of the event they were interrupting. One could also speculate how many PO activists were also present in that group.

How would Kidawa-Błońska have handled herself in the position of Duda? He managed to get to the end of his speech to mark the anniversary despite it probably not being easy or pleasant.

Would she have risen to the challenge under similar circumstances? With an empty head bereft of ideas and no teleprompter to save her, I seriously doubt she would have pulled it off without fleeing the mob assembled against her.


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