Free hot dogs for abortions: Democrats unveil mobile abortion clinic and vasectomy van at Chicago Convention

At their convention in Chicago, Democrats are offering “health services” that include mobile abortions and vasectomies, raising questions about the direction of the party’s values, writes Polish political commentator Dariusz Matuszak

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear speaks during the first day of Democratic National Convention, Monday, Aug. 19, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
5 Min Read

As Democrats gathered in Chicago’s United Center on Aug. 19 to officially nominate Vice President Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate, along with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, they organized some truly disturbing “attractions” for their supporters.

Chief among these was a mobile abortion clinic, courtesy of Planned Parenthood, which will be stationed in the city’s West Loop offering free vasectomies and medication abortions.

The Democratic Convention is a massive event requiring a heavy police presence due to the participation of America’s top political figures, including President Joe Biden, Vice President Harris, and various governors, Congressmen, and state delegates. Yet, despite its scale and significance, the convention’s side attractions are what have truly caught the public’s attention — though not in a good way.

In collaboration with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, a mobile health unit offering free vasectomies and chemical abortions is available just blocks from the United Center.

It’s hard to miss the grim irony here — an event supposedly centered on celebrating political freedom and progress instead showcases procedures that eliminate life and impede reproduction.

For those who find themselves undergoing one of these procedures, there’s even a culinary bonus. The Wieners Circle, a well-known local hot dog spot, has promised free hot dogs to any women who terminate their pregnancies or men who undergo vasectomies. The absurdity of such an offer underscores the almost surreal nature of what the event has become.

Planned Parenthood’s deep roots in eugenics and its racist origins make the optics of this initiative even more alarming. Founded in 1916 by Margaret Sanger, who openly advocated for controlling the birth rates of the Black population, the organization’s legacy is far from the champion of reproductive freedom it claims to be.

In fact, many of its early clinics were strategically placed in predominantly Black neighborhoods with the explicit goal of reducing the population. Sanger’s eugenic ideology wasn’t hidden; in 1923, she wrote about the need to “weed out” those she considered inferior to promote “the most beautiful flowers of American civilization.” In private correspondence, she warned against publicizing their true goal of reducing the Black population.

While debates over abortion and reproductive rights often cut across political lines, the Democratic Party has fully embraced this issue as a core part of its platform. The party’s evolution from its historical association with slavery and segregation to today’s self-proclaimed anti-racist stance is, in many ways, just a change of costume for the same old power games. Much like those in Eastern Europe who have transformed from ardent communists into staunch “defenders of democracy,” the Democratic establishment’s supposed commitment to equality seems hollow when considering their uncritical alliance with Planned Parenthood.

Abortion is big business, and Planned Parenthood’s political support follows the money. Given the billions of dollars at stake, it’s no wonder Planned Parenthood backs Democratic candidates who will keep the money flowing.

Former President Donald Trump’s stance, which left abortion laws up to individual states, resulted in many states tightening restrictions, threatening Planned Parenthood’s revenue. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, continues to ensure that the abortion industry remains lucrative and expansive.

At an event of this scale, the party could have offered a wide range of genuinely beneficial health services like mammograms, blood tests or vision screenings. Instead, they chose to showcase mobile abortions and vasectomies, topped off with a coupon for a hot dog. These macabre offerings are more than just cynical pandering; they are emblematic of a culture increasingly defined by the devaluation of life.

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