Juncker has already lost but Bilal Hassani can win

By admin
1 Min Read

Juncker has already lost, and one could say – Thank God! We’ve seen many remarkable escapades from this former Prime Minister of the notorious Luxembourg tax haven. We’ve witnessed his transformation from a Christian democrat into a textbook leftist liberal.

Juncker laid wreaths at Karl Marx’s monument, he praised communist revolutionary and Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. On his watch, around 2 million illegal Muslim refugees and migrants entered the EU uncontrolled and the UK is leaving the EU. It’s unknown who will replace him.

Bilal Hassani who was born a man, dresses like a woman, and claims to be gay is most likely going to win the French national round and then represent his progressive country well. If France can’t win Eurovision this time, it never will. The last time they won was in 1977 and this time, they would really like to be represented by someone who has been a front-runner since day one.

Hassani will face a lot of criticism just like Austrian singer Conchita Wurst in 2014, who was accused of winning only thanks to her sexual orientation and all the public hype and pressure surrounding her existence.

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