Well, looks like the Germany’s Greens are the new Nazis?

The Greens are now proposing deporting hundreds of thousands of Syrians

By Remix News Staff
8 Min Read

Germans opposed to the Alternative for Germany (AfD) love to label the party “Nazi.” It’s a powerful branding term in Germany and was effective at keeping voters away from the AfD in the early years. T-shirts and stickers emblazoned with the phrase “FCK NZS” are quite popular, especially with the social-climbing left. However, with each passing year — and at this point, each passing month — anti-immigrant sentiment is growing. Now, it has reached the point that the Green Economic Minister Robert Habeck, and current candidate for chancellor, says Syrians who do not work will have to be sent home, as in deportations — as in a lot of deportations. This new remigration plan comes as a shock for anybody who has followed the Greens over the years.

“We can make good use of those who work here,” Habeck said during an appearance on Deutschlandfunk. “Those who do not work here will be able or even have to return to safety – when the country is safe.”

Habeck’s term “have to return safely” is merely a euphemism for deported, because you can be assured, most of these Syrians have zero intention of returning home. There are currently a million of them in the country, and half of them are on citizens’ benefits. Meanwhile, the number of Syrians that are not working is probably at least 300,000 to 400,000 at any given time, as many of them fall in and out of low-skilled labor positions while many others are long-term unemployed, leading to fluctuation in this number.

Deporting these people seems an awful lot along the lines of something the “Nazi” AfD party would propose. In fact, that is indeed what the AfD wants. If we want to be generous to the Greens, we could call it “remigration-lite” and perhaps even call them “Nazi-lite?”

The Greens are not the only ones. Even the Social Democrats (SPD) are jumping on the remigration bandwagon. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) said: “As our law stipulates, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) will review and revoke protection grants if people no longer need this protection in Germany because the situation in Syria has stabilized. This will then apply to those who do not have a right of residence for other reasons such as work or training and who do not return to Syria voluntarily.”

In short, as Remix News previously reported, the German left is taking a page out of the “Macron playbook” on the issue of immigration. Olaf Scholz has already done this throughout his term, promoting mass immigration while talking tough on deportation when the public outrage grows to a crescendo over violent crime and terrorism, with foreigners so vastly overrepresented that there is basically no use in even trying to hide it anymore.

Apparently, all of these parties, which promoted open borders, participated in virtue signaling slogans like “We have space,” to signal their welcoming stance to Syrians, and constantly talked about the strength of diversity, are actually full of immigration hawks if you just scratch the surface a bit. Who would have thought? Their experiment with multiculturalism failed — which Merkel, unbeknownst to many, already said way back in 2010 before mass immigration even picked up steam under her rule six years later.

Now with elections approaching. Germany’s left-liberals realize Germans have had enough with mass immigration. Thus, they have pivoted to parroting the immigration line of the AfD to a large degree in order to take a dent out of the party’s growing support, which now stands at 21.5 percent, the highest figure in a year.

Unfortunately, the “FCK NZS” set, to the extent that some of them actually follow the news cycle, will have to gravitate to ever smaller niche parties if they themselves do not want to vote for all the “Nazi” parties that have sprung up in recent months. After all, these left-liberal parties seem to become more Nazi-like every time another terror attack occurs in Germany, which is becoming a very frequent occurence. Just last year, there was the “Festival of Diversity” stabbing spree, to the Mannheim cop killer, to now the Magdeburg Christmas market terror attack by the “integrated/terror threat” doctor originally from Saudi Arabia. Those were just the major ones, and of course there are the schools, public safety, and public transport, which are all a complete mess due to mass immigration.

Of course, these parties are not actually Nazi, nor is the AfD. However, as sound as the AfD’s proposals are on immigration, and how close the other parties — even the left-wing ones — are inching towards these positions, the AfD is the only party that is likely to actually follow through.

Does anyone really expect the Greens to deport 300,000 people? They cannot even deport hardened criminals who participate in gang rapes, let alone a bunch of unemployed and poorly integrated Syrians. In fact, it is the current left-liberal government led by the Greens and the SPD who have released government-funded tips available on a public website showing migrants how to avoid deportation.

As soon as the election is over, the CDU and the Greens, or the CDU and SPD, will make some token gestures, but immigration will continue unabated. The Germans who voted for the CDU will feel bamboozled, and likely support will grow for the AfD, at which time, the political parties might get around to actually banning the AfD once and for all. At least, that is all a very real possibility.

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