Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini is accusing French President Emmanuel Macron, via a post on social network X, of wanting to plunge the European Union into war with Russia.
Salvini posted an image mocking the French president, with the message, “Military escalation and Italian soldiers at the front on the orders of dangerous ‘bombers’? No thanks. Yes to Italy’s commitment to peace, in the rejection of war provided for by the Constitution, inspired by our collective moral conscience and our Christian tradition.”
In the same message, the leader of Italy’s nationalist right, whose party, the League, is part of the governing coalition led by Giorgia Meloni, asks voters to vote with the League for “more Italy and less Europe.”
In the image posted by the Italian deputy prime minister, Macron appears dressed as a military man, armed with an assault rifle.
In the run-up to the European elections on June 9, Salvini’s League is struggling in the polls. The party, which won 34 percent of the votes cast in 2019, is now credited with just 8 percent of voting intentions, well behind Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia (FdI) party, which is polling at 27 percent.
Despite Meloni’s terrible record on mass immigration and her support for weapons to Ukraine, both positions Italian conservatives tend to disagree with, her support has remained stable. However, other European conservatives have been quick to criticize her policies.
Meloni is also known for her radical turn on legal immigration, fully embracing more legal migrants, including from Third World countries, in order to please Italy’s Big Business community.