Green MEP wants to cut all EU funding to Hungary

Daniel Freund spends a huge amount of time dedicated to making sure Hungary gets less money from Brussels

German Green MEP Daniel Freund. (MTI/Lajos Soós)
By Dénes Albert
2 Min Read

German Green MEP Daniel Freund, one of the staunchest and obsessed critics of the Hungarian conservative government, is now calling for a halt to all EU funding to Hungary. This time around, he has asked his followers on X what they would say if Brussels entirely stopped funding the country.

Most comments appeared to react negatively, but some fully backed the proposal.

Others defended the Hungarian government’s policies and were seriously put off by the message.

Remix News ran a story on Freund last year detailing his unceasing obsession with Hungary, calling for Hungary to have its funding cut and spamming his X feed with anti-Hungarian posts. He still devotes an enormous amount of space to Hungary on his page, but to be fair, has mixed things up a bit lately. Nevertheless, the man spends extremely little time commenting on his home country and has instead built a sort of career around going after Hungary and its government.

He is also calling for more censorship on X.

The EU has frozen billions in funding to Hungary over so-called rule-of-law issues, and the EU parliament is often the most militant in pursuing even more cuts in funding to the country.

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