The average price of natural gas was the lowest in Budapest in November, and Hungarian households paid the second-lowest price for electricity, according to an international price comparison study by the Hungarian Energy and Utilities Regulatory Authority (MEKH),
The MEKH wrote that in November 2021, the average household price of natural gas in Budapest was 2.86 eurocents, which was the cheapest among the capitals included in the survey.

According to the MEKH survey, the average price of electricity to be paid by residential consumers was 10.58 eurocents per kilowatthour in November, which is the second most favorable in the list of surveyed capitals.
The MEKH also said that the price of electricity and natural gas paid by consumers using the universal service in Hungary as a result of the overhead reduction is fixed and kept fixed by law, so the Hungarian population is protected against price increases in the markets.
The monthly price comparison by MEKH was made on the basis of international standards shows the electricity and natural gas prices of European capitals — those of the EU member states, plus London and Belgrade. According to the end-user price information calculated on the basis of the survey data, Hungarian residential consumers were able to enjoy the lowest energy prices in Europe in November as well.