Soros receiving the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom exposes how self-destructive and servile politicians are

"The empire thrives when the dark force spreads, that's where its profit and power comes from"

By Remix News Staff
10 Min Read

The Soros award exposed the entanglement of the private financial empire and the U.S. government under the Democrats, writes Otto Gajdics for Magyar Nemzet.

When Joe Biden awarded George Soros the highest American civilian award, he wanted to provoke the world’s patriotic masses, but with the same gesture, he inadvertently lifted the veil on the close cooperation between the private financial empire and the Democrat administration. The globalist forces are trying to discredit as a conspiracy theory any attempt to make visible the self-destructive and self-sacrificing activities of politicians who unscrupulously serve the empire-organizing forces, thereby destroying Western civilization. That is why it is very important to name every case where they cannot resist coming out into the light, patting each other on the back and making a confession.

First, it’s worth examining who can receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. According to Népszava, which announced the news with great enthusiasm, those who have made a lasting impact in the fields of politics, sports, entertainment, civil rights, philanthropy, LGBTQ advocacy, and science could be on the same list as soccer star Lionel Messi and Oscar winner Denzel Washington, for example, along with speculator George Soros. 

They are therefore confusing real achievements with the highly divisive consequences of fraudulent activities, abusing the fact that Messi’s reputation is not affected by the fact that he is on the same platform as Soros, while the latter can undeservedly bask in the light of the giants organized around him.

This method is not unknown in the toolbox of Soros’ networks. This is how they mix their human rights, humanitarian, and charitable goals with sneaky interference in the internal politics of sovereign countries, and when they reject this vile attempt somewhere, they accuse the renunciates of ingratitude and anti-Semitism. Alex Soros, rejoicing at the award, called his father a true patriot, who fought for freedom and human rights all his life. This, however, is a qualified case of plagiarism. The globalists have realized how much power there is when patriots fill the concepts of homeland, nation, homeland, and mother tongue with tangible content on a daily basis, and they apparently do not know what to do with this power. They solved the problem by casually stealing these concepts and starting to use them unscrupulously.

It is extremely dissonant when his son calls a globalist who boasts of being an immigrant, a leading fighter for illegal migration, a true patriot. At least as much as when politicians from the globalist opposition in Hungary call treason a patriotic act. Gyurcsány considers himself the greatest patriot, and he is not bothered at all by this when his wife is fighting with all her might in Brussels to destroy her country’s economy by withdrawing funds, in case the patriotic political majority supporting the national government breaks up.

An increasing number of European Union member states are recognizing that the consequences of illegal migration unleashed on the continent under the Soros plan are fatal, more than half of the students in schools in Western cities do not speak the language of the host country, the destruction of Christmas and New Year’s Eve clearly showed that integration is an empty concept, and the host nations are in grave danger. Enraged hordes are shouting for a caliphate and the introduction of Sharia in the streets, and the chief idiot of the committee of the stupid asks us not to wish each other a Merry Christmas, not to offend the sensibilities of the occupiers. We are terrified, together with police officers with machine guns, in the turmoil that was recently thought to be festive, and we pray that our loved ones will return home before dark. This is Alex Soros’ freedom, for which his father supposedly fought for so long.

Ukraine, the Middle East, and the increasingly tense Taiwan are the three most striking examples of world peace, for which, according to the White House, George Soros has also done a lot. This is how peace became war in the globalist newspeak. This is why the perverted Weber can say Viktor Orbán’s peace mission was aimed at prolonging the war, while his and his associates’ warmongering, the countless billions of euros sent to Ukraine, and the shipments of weapons and ammunition are the only depositories of world peace. For three years now, they have been slowly waging a war of numbers, with the Russians or Ukrainians denying more fallen soldiers, instead of doing everything they could to ensure that no one dies in the war of the globalist private financial empire represented by Soros. This is how the concept of the philanthropist, so often criticized as a speculator, has become an empty stencil.

Considering all this, the heated reactions to the award, which of course do not come from Biden’s environment, are much more understandable. 

American commentator Joey Mannarino called Soros a subversive lunatic who tried to completely destroy the social fabric of Hungary. Let’s add that, unfortunately, he not only tried but also succeeded elsewhere.

Well, not personally, but with the help of the networks he created and financed. Elon Musk didn’t mince words either, comparing Soros to Emperor Palpatine, the dark lord he knew from Star Wars.

And let’s face it, when things are happening around us that are more incomprehensible than ever, and no matter how much we search for the cause, only the interests of the globalist private financial empire represented by Soros always loom in the darkness, we inevitably think of the scene from the film when a lieutenant reports to the dark lord about the state of the war. The reporter is visibly terrified because he doesn’t have much good news, the Death Star is in ruins, and the Jedi have achieved spectacular successes, but the monster just says with a grin: Everything is going according to plan. He has no other goal than to promote the spread of the dark force, the flood of hatred, anger, emotions, pain, destruction, and the victory of death over life and love. 

So he doesn’t regret the losses, he is downright happy when, in the intoxication of victory, his enemies and servants are preparing not for peace, but for new battles. The empire thrives when the dark force spreads, that’s where its profit and power come from.

We know such figures here too. For example, Péter Magyar, in the name of love, incites his followers to the most furious rage, the most violent temper, and the most fierce hatred. Meanwhile, of course, he accuses the government supporters of all this. I had to think deeply about how I could have become hateful in the eyes of some people when I would like to eradicate this feeling from others and it would not occur to me to arouse it. I had a very strange suspicion. 

The poisonous fruit of the defamatory, stigmatizing, and discrediting work with which left-liberal forces have been inciting hatred against Viktor Orbán, the government, and supporters of the governing parties for more than two decades has now ripened.

The Orbán-phobic, Fidesz-hating crowd has swelled much larger than it should have. These people can only utter one remedy for all their grievances: filthy Fidesz, O1G. They hate us so much that even they find this outpouring of negative feelings unbearable. But they also see the cause of this horror in us. I hate him, I feel sick from the hatred, and because I hate him, he is also to blame for my bad mood, so he is the one who incites hatred. This is how we, national, Christian, conservative, right-wing people, have become hate-mongers, and that is why they hate us more and more. And this is how hatred turned into love, in the name of which Péter Magyar shouts our non-existent sin into our faces five times a day like some lost muezzin anywhere he can. 

He doesn’t seem to know, but despite his best efforts, he’s already fallen short of the Medal of Freedom.

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