More than a third of Poles now enjoy some aspect of working from home

By Grzegorz Adamczyk
3 Min Read

Remote and hybrid work is becoming increasingly more common across Poland with as many as 35 percent of Poles working either entirely or partly from home, according to a new report.

The latest data by digital recruitment market,, revealed that 65 percent of respondents continued to undertake tasks from the office or a designated place of work, 11 percent were now working fully remotely and 24 percent had a hybrid working arrangement.

It claims that some element of remote working has become a key element that prospective employees look for in their new employers, with 9 out of 10 respondents who currently enjoy hybrid working not wanting to return to the office full time, and 44 percent of jobseekers revealing they would not apply for a job that demands office attendance full time.

People aged between 25-34 and those living in cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants more often worked remotely or hybrid. In these groups, the index of people not working in offices grew to 41 and 49 percent respectively.

The report emphasized that the age criteria showed that people with a few years of experience and who often have young children appreciated the benefits of working from home. Meanwhile, the share of remote work could be higher in large towns due to the profile of the companies located in them.

The report indicated that hybrid mode workers enjoy working at the office on Mondays the most. “The majority of them don’t even imagine a full return to the office. 9 out of 10 do not want to return to working at the office but only every fourth person prefers a fully remote mode of work,” the report reads.

It was suggested that there is no turning back from the changes because the majority of respondents look for flexible models of employment while browsing job offers. The report notes, that 91 percent of those who work remotely or in hybrid mode want to continue doing so. Hybrid mode working is also expected to be the preferred model after the pandemic. data showed that by the end of 2021, 19 percent of active job offers concerned remote work – several times more than prior to the pandemic.

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