Pro-refugee activists abandon migrant woman illegally crossing Polish border with Belarus

Source: Polish Border Guard.
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

The Polish Border Guard found a 27-year-old Syrian woman abandoned in a forest who was left behind by pro-refugee activists helping her to cross the border. They ditched the woman after she could no longer walk any further.

Despite the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border being less intense than last year and with reduced media attention, border guards still report numerous incidents of attempts at illegal crossings. On Wednesday the border guards found the Syrian woman, whose husband had been trying to find her. She had been left in the forest by pro-refugee activists who had cooperated with people smugglers to get migrants across the border. 

According to the border authority, the Syrian woman had flown into Moscow and then traveled by car to Minsk. She crossed the border in a group led by two guides. During their journey, they called the activists for aid, and during the night, two of them arrived and took the group further. The woman was left behind, as she could not walk any further. Once alone, she was frightened and contacted her husband to provide her location. Her husband, who lives legally in Germany, contacted the Polish Border Guard and asked for help. They quickly found her and transported her to a hospital. 

The border authority on its social media profile stated that once again it has been proven that activists are in contact with human traffickers and that they have, once again, left migrants alone in a forest, thus endangering their health and life.

According to the authorities, the young woman is safe and has been reunited with her husband.

According to Polish Border Guard, on Wednesday alone, 70 people attempted to cross illegally from Belarus into Poland. They were from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Cuba, and Syria.

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