Will gender reassignment surgeries for minors be banned in Poland? Catholic think tank proposes new legislation to imprison doctors for up to 3 years

By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

The Catholic think tank Ordo Iuris is working on new legislation that would ban sex change operations for minors in Poland. Additionally, any doctor that was involved in a sex change operation on a minor would be sent to prison for up to three years. Currently, minors are permitted to perform a sex change operation with parental consent.

Ordo Iuris indicated that the catalyst for the legislation is the story of Łukasz Sakowski, a gay man who said he was manipulated by a transsexual into taking long-term hormone treatment, which he said left him with deep psychological and physical damage.

After left-wing MPs expressed criticism in a text they published in Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita, the head of Ordo Iuris, Jerzy Kwaśniewski, took to Twitter to defend his organization’s stance.

“It’s time to stop maiming kids. Time to ban the chemical castration of kids. We’ve had enough of child tragedies that have resulted from children being gender-brainwashed and then wanting to return to normality when it’s too late once their bodies have been maimed and hormonal balance disturbed,” posted Kwaśniewski on Twitter.

The Ordo Iuris institute is now calling on all Polish parties to back the new legislation, according to Polish newspaper wPolityce. However, if the Polish government actually moves forward with such a law, it would likely lead to a new flash point with Brussels, with the EU already condemning Poland for its stance on LGBT issues.

However, Left party MP Krzysztof Śmiszek, who is the life partner of former presidential candidate and current MEP Robert Biedroń, is proposing legislation that would actually remove the need for parental consent in performing sex change operations.

Along with other opposition MPs, Śmiszek accuses the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) of playing politics with people’s lives.

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