EXCLUSIVE: ‘They want people who are isolated, who have no past, no relations, no family, and no identity,’ warns Spanish MEP and vice-chair of the ECR Group Hermann Tertsch

Spanish MEP Hermann Tertsch speaks during a panel discussion at CPAC Hungary.
By Olivier Bault
12 Min Read

You said during the panel discussion in which you took part at CPAC Hungary on May 4 that the Left and the liberals are nervous because they see that the right is now going forward and is acting together. How is it in Spain to be a conservative when your country is ruled by a coalition of the left and the far left?

Well, they say all kinds of things about us: We are monsters, we are fascists, we are Nazis, we are almost everything. And we have all the media against us, but that’s a normal thing. I guess that happens in most European countries with parties that want to have a real conservative policy.

True, but in Spain it can get pretty brutal sometimes. We talked about it back in 2021, when there was a wave of left-wing violence against Vox in electoral meetings. Is the situation any better now?

No, it’s not any better now. We had some physical attacks again just a few days ago. In Catalonia, in particular, we suffer endless aggression that is promoted by the government of Catalonia and by the government of Spain, which is continuously demonizing and criminalizing us.

So we know who we are confronted with, and this situation is no surprise to us. They are our enemies because they want to destroy us, and they want to destroy us because we want to change the rules. We want democracy; we want the nation back; we want to defend our own people; we want our values and our traditions to be respected, and we want the people who are in Spain to respect Spain instead of continuously violating Spanish law. We want an end to imported criminality. We want to end the hatred against women that we import. We want to fight the antisemitism, which we import with the Muslim immigration from North Africa. We want a country with rules, with legal rules that are respected by everybody. We want all people to be equal and everybody who lives in Spain to be there legally. And we want our borders to be secure.

These are all very normal things, which should be respected and seen as logical by everybody. We are not extremists when we ask for things that 50 years ago, every social democrat or Christian democrat would have asked for: law and order, secure borders, and so on. However, today we are being called extremists for just that, although we simply want to restore our nation, and we see that in all of Europe there is a reaction.

At CPAC Hungary, you also mentioned how the left has been doing social engineering based on the EU’s Green Deal policies.

It is not just the Green Deal, but the Green Deal is the biggest example of the monstrous kind of social engineering that we have in the European Union. As I said during our panel discussion, it is a Leninist way of dealing with the future. They want to intervene in everything. They want to conduct everything. They want to discipline everything, and they want to control everything. They need to control everything in order to manage everything. So what we are developing in the European Union with this Green Deal is really a communist ideal. It goes along with this monstrous development of socialist control and intervention in every sphere and at every level of our daily lives.

Talking about social engineering, you now have a so-called “trans law” that came into force in Spain not long ago.

Yes, we now have this monstrous “trans law.” It is an appalling decision by the Spanish government that allows kids to be mutilated without their parents being able to prevent it from happening. Unfortunately, we are moving faster than others. Spain has become some sort of laboratory of the fastest way of destroying society. Whereas Hungary is now a case model of how to recover the nation and restore its defenses, Spain is the place where the left is now destroying all defenses of the nation in the most radical and speedy manner.

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What about the next general elections that are to be held this year in your country? Can conservatives count on a coalition between the People’s Party (PP) and Vox to put an end to the current ruling coalition between the left and the far left?

If it depends on Vox, yes. But if it depends on the PP, I am not so sure; you would have to ask them.

Is the PP actually still a right-wing party or has it become more of a left-wing party?

That’s a good question. I wouldn’t be so sure. Theoretically, they are a center-right party and they always were. But they are one of those supposedly center-right parties that attract conservative votes during elections and then enforce leftist and progressive policies once elected.

How come conservative voters keep voting for them in that situation?

That’s also a good question. Well, mainly because of habits and because they are afraid of voting for us, but this is less and less the case because we are growing in numbers and we are showing that we are an alternative to this permanent betrayal of conservatives’ votes by the Spanish People’s Party and also by the European People’s Party. The European People’s Party expelled Fidesz from its ranks, and they vote 70 percent of the time with the socialists, Macron’s liberals, the communists, and the Greens. They also vote together with the left and extreme left in favor of all the things linked to the United Nations’ very leftist 2030 Agenda. They are all together. The only people who vote differently are us, the European Conservatives and Reformists, Identity & Democracy, and Fidesz, which does not belong to any group in the European Parliament for the time being. So I hope that in the next legislature, even if we are not together in one group, we can develop very strong cooperation between the two groups.

At CPAC Hungary you also talked about a Reconquista, which could last not 800 years like the Spanish Reconquista against the Muslims but still some time. Aren’t you afraid it is going to be too late by the time such a Reconquista has a chance to succeed?

Many people indeed think that. I believe, however, that there is still enough energy and hope on a continent that has a long history. We must have self-confidence and the love for our ancestors, our history, our heritage, and our sons and the next generations in order to move things in the right direction and avoid suicide, because they want us to commit suicide. They want only to have slaves. They want people who are isolated, who have no past, no relations, no family, and no identity whatsoever, people intermingled in such a way that everything is confused and everybody is interchangeable. We must seek to avoid this.

Does the organization of CPAC Hungary mean that American and European conservatives are allies fighting the same struggle?

Of course, we are fighting the same struggle. If we all stick to our values, then we will be together. What we can’t do is look for shortcuts, making alliances with people who are against our values. This is very important. We can’t be tempted to make alliances just because someone is the enemy of our enemies. We have to make alliances between people sharing common values: the Republicans in the USA, but also all the conservatives in South America who are now overrun by the Foro de São Paulo, which is the combination of the communist movement with organized crime.

Drug trafficking is in the hands of the Foro de São Paulo and the Grupo de Puebla, which is the communist movement. That’s Lula in Brazil, Petro in Colombia, Maduro in Venezuela, Evo Morales in Bolivia, Correa in Ecuador, and Díaz-Canel in Cuba. These are all people who are totalitarian and as such are our enemies. Latin America is also the West, and it’s an enormous force that needs to be with us. Through Spain and the Iberian Peninsula, we have an enormous connection with Latin America. North Americans, South Americans, and Europeans should pull together in this fight for civilization.


Hermann Tertsch is a journalist, member of the editorial board of La Gaceta de la Iberosfera, and a Vox MEP since 2019. In the 1980s, he worked as the Spanish press agency’s correspondent in Vienna, covering Central and Eastern Europe, and was later El País’ correspondent in Bonn and Warsaw. Starting from the 1990s and until the year 2019, Hermann Tertsch worked with a number of major Spanish media outlets. In the European Parliament, he is vice-chair of the ECR Group and vice-chair of the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT). He is also a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and of the Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee.

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